
Nov. 1st: Registration opens at midnight. $75 registration fee.

Jan. 15th: Deadline for registration (spots available as needed after 1/15). SYB will determine which divisions will be offered based on registration info. We will refund any age levels we can’t offer at this time. This will also give you an opportunity to look at other options for baseball/softball.

Feb. 17th & 25th: Evaluations/Tryouts @ Osprey Park

Sat: Feb. 17th:

  • Pre-K through K (A-K) 10:00am-11:00am
  • Pre-K through K (L-Z) 11:00am-12:00pm
  • 1st/2nd grade: 12-1:00pm
  • 3rd/4th grade: 1-2:00pm
  • 5th/6th grade: 2:00-3:00
  • 7th/8th grade: 3:00-4:00

Sun: Feb. 25th:

  • Pre-K through 2nd grade: 10:00-11:00am
  • 3rd-8th Grade: 11:00-12:00pm

Feb. 29th: Deadline for Refunds. Uniforms ordered.

March 2nd: Draft 12pm via zoom (rosters/schedules sent out by 3/3)

March 4th-8th: Tentative Coaches meeting/clinic.

March 11th: Practices Begin (possibly earlier for Mustang and up)

April 8th: Games Begin (possibly earlier for Mustang and up)

April 21st: Jamboree 12:30-6:30

June 8th: Games End
